A newborn photography session at home

It was an overcast day when I ventured to Melbourne to capture sweet Otis as he settled into his new home. Despite this, one beautiful window provided the most magical light which illuminated our whole session, held in the space of approximately a 3 x 3m area. Proof that you don't need a lot to make a lot of magic.

Both Otis and Sally were dressed from my client wardrobe and my beautiful vintage bassinet complemented both the outfits and the gorgeous family heirloom rocking chair that provided the perfect prop for this session.

I didn't have to provide much direction in this session as these adoring parents loved on their sweet newborn. We were able to enjoy the moment, just embracing the time they had set aside to capture this moment in time.

At the end, given the overcast weather and hidden direct sun, we ventured across the road to their local park to capture some final photos at a setting which plays an important role in their everyday lives.